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Exhibition: Blissful Accumulations: A Mosaic of Hoarded Alchemy

By Helena Reynis & Isaac Silva Looker In our exhibition, "Blissful Accumulations: A Mosaic of Hoarded Alchemy," Helena and Isaac invite you into the vibrant tapestry of their artistic journey as a couple. Over the years, their lives have intertwined, weaving a shared narrative that encompasses love, growth, and artistic evolution. Helena, with her classical … Continued

48h Neukölln: Exhibitionism

Exhibitionism (Unveiling the artist playground) What does "play" mean to artists? In their eyes, the studio often becomes a playground—a space that offers solace, sparks creativity, and fosters growth and rejuvenation. However, it is also a place of work, where challenges, stress, and struggle reside. In this exhibition, artists question the boundaries of their practice … Continued

Exhibition: See it through your hands

A group exhibition on texture, essence & appearance. Igor Brodecki Jana Francke Nomin Zezegmaa Sophia Wind Nina Marietta Joseph Wolstencroff Dorothea Kaufmann Friday 18-22H Saturday / Sunday 14-20H  

Open Tiny Plenum

Deutsch -  Du möchtest im Open Tiny deine Ideen mit der Nachbarschaft teilen? Komm vorbei, erzähl uns von deinen Visionen und wir organisieren alles weitere zusammen …  Das Plenum findet ab 2023 immer am ersten Montag im Monat um 20 Uhr statt. Wir treffen uns im Open Tiny in der Treptower Straße 84. Englisch -  … Continued

Kiezfilmklub_Cinephile Federballpiraten

Austausch mit Bewegtbildern jeden zweiten Donnerstagabend.   Film und Diskussion ab 19:30 Uhr @Kiezkiosk Open Tiny, Treptower Str. 84, 12059 Berlin Termine im Juli: 06.07. & 20.07.   Thema des Monats: Programm-Retrospektive (🥳1-Jahr-Jubiliäum des Filmklubs🥳) 06.07. Der erste Film des Filmklubs 20.07. Der verpasste Film Bei Interesse oder Frage melde dich bei Prima: lprimadr @

Exhibition: Hue Metamorphosis

Helena Reynis is an Icelandic artist who is now making her debut in Berlin, showcasing her fifth solo exhibition that signifies a remarkable evolution in her artistic journey. With a background in fine art and art history studies across Reykjavík, Stockholm, and Berlin, Helena has dedicated herself to mastering her artistic skills over the past … Continued

Schnäppchenmarkt und Trödel im Harzer Kiez

Liebe Anwohnende und KieznachbarInnen! Schaut einfach mal vorbei - vielleicht ist auch was für Euch dabei Sonntag 9. Juli 2023 von 13:00 bis 19:00 Uhr Mit Kaffee & Kuchen auf Spendenbasis