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SINESTETICAMENTE – Performance and Exhibition

April 13, 2023 - April 18, 2023

Sinesteticamente is a duo performance and exhibition starring the artists Carl OG and Daniele Paris.
Carlo Gaeta (a.k.a. Carl OG), is a sound artist and electronic music composer.

Daniele Paris is an abstract visual artist working with paint and charcoal, and many other mediums (artworks).
The goal of this performance is to show a unusual connection between visual and sonic art, and to represent on stage our synesthetic relationship in making art.

Daniele paints on paper over an aluminum plate equipped with contact microphones. The signal captured by the mics will route inside a mixer and will be manipulated with the help of a dedicated effect chain.

This interaction generates abstract soundscapes while a deep connection is established with Daniele’s artistic practice.

The performance opens the exhibition that is meant to last at least one week.
The exhibition shows a series of artistic products that came out of their experimental sessions: paintings and musical compositions created exclusively through the above described connection.
While looking at the painting the spectator will hear a continuous mix of the musical compositions playing in loop from speakers placed around the space.


April 13, 2023
April 18, 2023